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School Governance and Leadership Developing Wellness Policies
AASA's occasional publication, School Governance & Leadership, was recently sent to every superintendent and school board president in the country. It was created by the best writers at because we wanted not only to get a good publication but a perfect one. This spring 2006 issue focuses on school p... 06/21/2022
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1995-2005 Obesity Trend Map from CDC
Attached are the newest slides from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing the data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) on the rise of obesity rates among adult... 09/29/2021
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Health, Mental Health and Safety Guidelines for Schools
The purpose of Health, Mental Health and Safety Guidelines for Schools is to help those who influence the health and safety of students and school staff while they are in school, on school grounds, on... 08/02/2021
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Why School Health is Important
This power point can be used to educate parents and small community groups about the importance of coordinated school health and encourage them to get involved through the Healthy Kids Network. ... 08/02/2021
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A History of School Health
The attached Power Point gives a brief history of school health from the 1890s through the 1990s, reviewing • strengths and weaknesses, • new approaches, • characteristics of effective, sustai... 08/02/2021
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American Cancer Society

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